Living with Anxiety

Over the last few months I’ve become aware of just how much anxiety I live with on a daily basis. (TW: Anxiety described in detail)

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When Everything And Nothing Change At The Same Time

This morning I logged in to the online portal from my doctor’s office to check the date and time of my next appointment.

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Me Before You

There’s been a lot of talk lately in the disabled world about Me Before You. Personally, I have blocked the promotion of it from appearing on my social media sites and have no intention on having anything to do with the movie or book but I thought I would explain why.

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Living Disabled in an Able-bodied World

I’ve talked a lot about my mental disabilities here, but not much about my physical ones. I’ve stated before I was born with Spina Bifida and use a wheelchair.

Earlier today I was reading this article it inspired me to write the following post.

Continue reading “Living Disabled in an Able-bodied World”

Accepting the Love You Think You Deserve

By the time I was a year old my mom was a single mother. Her entire pregnancy her and my father were fighting. He was in and out of jail, openly cheating on her etc. Once he even locked her out of their house butt naked in the cold. Continue reading “Accepting the Love You Think You Deserve”